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Winter Announcements

Melanie Shortridge

Hello all! Here is the first official announcement for my new blog!

Welcome to Shortridge Integrated Physical Therapies!

First, I would like to explain the rebranding. I have felt for years that “physical therapy” did not encompass all the work that I do. While I am a trained and licensed physical therapist, I use several techniques and treat patients much differently than most physical therapy clinics.

Also, in less than two years, I will have a masters in human nutrition and functional medicine and will absolutely be offering services that will teach patients to use food as medicine. I am excited for all the treatments I will be integrating to give each of you the best care you need for chronic pain, injury, and/or illness.

Second, I am planning to do another streaming recital! It is going to be mostly holiday songs on Dec 31 at 6 p.m. for a little ring-in-the-new-year cheer. This time it will be on YouTube so that everyone can access it. You will need this link:

Finally, I will be assigning fees to paperwork requests. This includes bill printouts for insurance or tax purposes, doctor’s notes, and chart notes to other doctors or insurance companies. Because I do not take insurance in this office, I have a very basic system that allows me to chart individual notes in a document as well as track payments in an excel type spreadsheet. It is not a fancy system where I can push a button and a receipt populates. I create the document “by hand” by reviewing each individual visit one at a time and then preparing a summarizing document, which as you can imagine can be quite time consuming. I ask that you please request these documents without a short deadline and I will do my best to complete your requests efficiently. The fees will be estimated up front for how much time I think it will take but I will adjust that as necessary when the documents are done. Thank you for your understanding.

I hope you have all made it through this year the best you could. It has been difficult on all of us.

I think we all deserve a pat on the back, self hug, and a high five for getting through it. 2021 is not going to be magically perfect but at least it will be a change towards the better. I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday and I look forward to seeing you in the new year.

Dr. Melanie

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